I discussed the traditional planets in Horary Sports Astrology here and the houses here. Now it’s time to tackle the modern Horary Sports Astrology planets and add some unique influences.
It is very hard to predict sporting events with astrology without the knowledge that I’m about the share in this post. Strap Yourself in and take it slowly!
Some of the meanings of planets I learned from this book https://amzn.to/3qYly33 mentioned in this blog post. But I will also earn a small commission if You decide to get it. One of the best books out there on Horary Astrology in my opinion!
General overview of modern Horary Sports Astrology planets

Because of the lack of technology available to them, the ancient astrologers only had knowledge about the seven visible planets. This is why in all the texts they only use the traditional planets.
But it doesn’t mean the modern planets don’t have any place in a more traditional Horary Astrology world. As well as the more recent Horary Sports Astrology sub-branch.
I must add that it is entirely possible to just use ONLY the traditional planets but to get the extra accuracy, I definitely recommend understanding the modern planets and special influences that we can also add to the chart.
Some of the configurations I’m going to share with You have made or broken the prediction and bet for me personally.
Uranus in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Uranus in Horary Sports Astrology
I regard Uranus as important in Horary Sports Astrology but if I had to rank it, then Neptune and Pluto would be ahead of it!
- Trophies or rewards.
- Similar to the eleventh house but this is an “extra” influence. I would only use 0.25 points in the case of Uranus or a positive connection to Uranus from one of the teams or players. A conjunction is still the strongest!
- Shocks and surprises.
- This can be a counter-attack (or a long-distance goal or shot) or even a shocking result for the team connected to Uranus. In some shape or form, the team or player associated with Uranus will shock the opposition. But it does NOT however guarantee victory!
Uranus in Horary Astrology
- Shocks, surprises, and sudden events.
- The truth and also freedom.
- Friends, social groups, social circles, fans, followers, acquaintances.
- Bonuses, gains, money from the job, the money of the job (important in questions regarding career and salary opportunities) awards, trophies, honours, and achievements.
- Networks, systems, groups of people, big events, concerts, big social events.
- Separation (divorce for example).
- Technological gadgets, aeroplanes, helicopters, things that can fly, space, rockets, and the sky.
- Dark blue, blue colours.
Neptune in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Neptune in Horary Sports Astrology
Although I find Neptune to be more of a “negative Nancy” in Horary Sports Astrology, I can always find ways of using that to my advantage. Sometimes it’s hard to predict who will win but easier to predict who will lose. This is where Neptune comes into play!
- Losing, losses.
- Dissolving.
- This can mean that the team or player “dissolves” during the match. For example, all of a sudden they seem not up for it. Or just in general, not playing well during the game.
- Giving the game away.
- Neptune can be a positive influence if it rules one of the teams or players and keeps the opposite team in both in Detriment and Fall!
- The team or player can be disinterested in the game if strong connection to Neptune.
- Most of the above are especially strong if Neptune rules the 12th house!
Neptune in Horary Astrology
- Losses, losing.
- Luck out of the blue.
- Detachment.
- Charity.
- A veil is being pulled over one’s head.
- Mystical and spiritual experiences.
- Lies, scams, and deceit. Being confused and secrets.
- Mental illness. Being out of this reality.
- Drugs, alcohol, medicine, potions, perfume, and criminal activities.
- Jails, hospitals, spas, islands, hotels, mental institutions, and remote locations far away.
- Far away lands and foreigners.
- Healers, nurses, doctors, spiritual healers, psychics, artists, musicians, painters, massage therapists, spa workers, people working in remote locations, people working behind the scenes, and criminals.
- Purple, ocean blue and darker green colours.
Pluto in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Pluto in Horary Sports Astrology
The far-away dwarf planet has some importance in Horary Sports Astrology.
- The referee.
- I know I mentioned the referee in association with the 10th house here. And it is true, I have proof of them both representing the referee in the match. I check both but give more importance to the 10th house and it’s ruling planet!
- Control and power.
- The team associated with (or in connection with) Pluto has the capability to control the proceedings during the match. But it does NOT guarantee to win!
- Deep strength.
- The team or player can dig deep during the game and find a way to win. Can start sluggish and needs to transform something during the event.
Pluto in Horary Astrology
- Powerful people.
- Lots of money.
- Power and control.
- Detectives, bookkeepers, financial managers, fund managers, and insurance managers. Astrologers, people associated with esoteric matters, psychologists, therapists, crisis managers and workers.
- Inheritance, insurance, money from others, and partner’s money (also represented by the 8th house).
- Trauma, crisis, wounds, sexual trauma.
- Deep research.
- Sexual organs.
- Darker colours. Dark purple, black, dark brown, and dark orange.
North node or Rahu (Dragon’s Head) in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

North node or Rahu (Dragon’s Head) in Horary Sports Astrology
The North node has a positive meaning in both Horary Sports Astrology and more traditional Horary astrology.
- Good things.
- When the Ascendant (home team or player) or Descendant point (away team or player) in the chart is applying (coming in) to the North node, this means that good things await that side. The closer the conjunction the better and stronger the influence!
- Success.
- If the Ascendant or Descendant ruler has an applying aspect to the North node, it again means good things and at times, even winning. The probability of the team or player doing well in the match increases exponentially.
- Winning.
North node or Rahu (Dragon’s Head) in Horary Astrology
- Masculine, with the nature of Jupiter and Venus (benefic and pertains to good things mostly).
- Fortune and success.
- Good things will come if the querent is in an applying aspect to the North node. Or querent’s ruler!
- Has to be in the same sign! And the closer the orb the better. Positive things come sooner!
- When the North node is in conjunction with the malefics (Saturn and/or Mars), it can lessen their “evil” or “nasty” effects. When the North node is in conjunction with the benefics (Jupiter and/or Venus) it increases their positive influence.
South node or Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

South node or Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) in Horary Sports Astrology
As they always go hand in hand, it can’t be that the South node also means success and “good things”. Unfortunately, it has the direct opposite meaning.
- Bad things.
- It doesn’t mean those bad things will only happen to that team or player (even in the future) but it does raise the probability of them doing poorly during the match. Nothing really works out for them during the game. The South node has a similar meaning to Neptune. Go look at that section above. Both are equally strong!
- Losing.
- The South node in conjunction with the Ascendant or Descendant, or even their rulers (remember applying conjunctions!) means a high probability of losing the game.
- Failure.
South node or Ketu (Dragon’s Tail) in Horary Astrology
- Feminine and clean.
- Losses.
- Bad things or negative things are about to happen.
- Failure awaits the querent. Or whoever the South node is with. In applying conjunction! This can be other significators (or people) in the chart!
- When the South node is in conjunction with the malefics (Saturn and/or Mars), it can ramp up their “evil” or “nasty” effects. When the South node is in conjunction with the benefics (Jupiter and/or Venus) the matter at hand could have a more positive outcome. But it still has a negative underlying meaning! So when I say positive regarding the South node, I just mean not as bad as if the South node was without Jupiter or Venus.
Part of Fortune (Pars Fortunae) in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Part of Fortune (Pars Fortunae) in Horary Sports Astrology
If I had to choose, Part of Fortune would be the most important of the special or unique influences in Horary Sports Astrology. (I also evaluate the Nodes highly!)
When placed correctly, it can make or break the prediction for the specific match. But when I’m talking about Part of Fortune = it usually makes the prediction!
- Luck.
- Good Fortune.
- Winning.
- I want to see Part of Fortune on top of the Ascendant (home team or player) or Descendant (away team or player). Indication for either to win the event.
- I also want to notice it in a chart in conjunction with one of the rulers of the Ascendant or Descendant. Again, the probability of that team or player coming out of the match victorious increases dramatically.
- In another aspect (harmonious is better) to the Ascendant or Descendant but this is a weaker influence. The conjunction is the strongest! With this, the orb of the aspect should be a maximum of 1-2 degrees. Part of Fortune is a mathematical point. It doesn’t have a “glow” like the planets or the Moon for example.
Part of Fortune (Pars Fortunae or Lot of Fortune) in Horary Astrology
- Luck.
- Fortune.
- Success.
- Joy and happiness.
- Overall good things in life.
“Extra particular” influences in Horary Sports Astrology

I’ve started to add some asteroids and extra, extra special influences to my plotted charts in the past few years.
Some examples:
- Juno
- Ceres
- Black Moon
- Chiron
- Vesta
Although attaching special and unique meanings to these influences is still a work in progress, I can sum up their importance as follows.
I give a planet 1 point.
Part of Fortune and the Nodes get 1 point.
And lastly, I give Juno, Ceres, Chiron, and Vesta = 0.5 points.
Black Moon = 0.25 points.
Whenever these influences are in the first, seventh, tenth, or twelfth house = I pay them extra attention.
The most crucial thing about these influences is to still look at the essential dignities table! The same rules apply as I have explained in my previous posts here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And even here, here, here, here, here, and here. These all explain how to read the essential dignities table.
Just remember the point system and refer back to it!

The Horary Sports astrology planets and special influences are extremely important. And can even sometimes make or break a prediction and/or bet.
I always look at the whole chart with all of the influences!
Relying on solely one or two important configurations in a Horary Sports Astrology chart is not enough and can unfortunately lead to financial losses! Especially, if You are using that knowledge to also make real-money bets!
Happy betting, predicting, and learning!
Some of the meanings of planets I learned from this book https://amzn.to/3qYly33 mentioned in this blog post. But I will also earn a small commission if You decide to get it. One of the best books out there on Horary Astrology in my opinion!
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Horary Sports Astrology Pro