I wrote about the houses and their importance in Horary Sports Astrology predictions here. In this post, I’m going to share with You the most essential qualities of each house. Both in Horary Sports Astrology and traditional Horary astrology.
Let’s dig in because this is going to be a long one!
1st House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

1st House in Horary Sports Astrology
- The Home team or player. Whoever has the home-court advantage.
- Important note! If it’s a friendly match or a final, there’s still an official home team!
- If the home team is in the final but SET as the away team = use that in Your analysis. How ever it’s set in official settings pre-match = use that!
- For example, England makes the European championship final, and the tournament final takes place in Wembley (which is in England) but Italy is set as the home team = Italy would be the home team in the chart. Or the Ascendant.
- It has an active quality or even aggressive. If the ruling planet of a team is in the 1st house = that team or player can be the more aggressive of the two sides.
- Accidents or injuries. Although the 6th house has the advantage regarding injuries, because of the aggressive nature of the house, it can bring injuries to the team or player during the match if they are situated in the 1st house. Especially if the ruler is weak by essential dignities and has weak aspects!
- Everything in the 1st house gives us hints and clues about the strength of the home team or player.
- Mercury does well in the house!
1st House in Horary Astrology
- The person asking the question.
- Head and face, the appearance and body of the person.
- For example, if Mars is in the 1st house = the person can have a fit body with toned muscles.
- Length of life.
- Skin tone.
- East.
- Masculine house.
2nd House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

2nd House in Horary Sports Astrology
I’m still observing and bringing in notes about the 2nd house in Horary Sports Astrology.
- The house of helpers for the home team.
- If it has significant planets in it and they are strong for example = the home team has some additional help.
- I’ve found Pluto in the 2nd house is a significator that the referee will help the team or player in some shape or form. But! Pluto has to keep the home team or player in either Rulership, Exaltation, Triplicity, Term, or Face. Or at the very least NOT in Detriment or Fall for that to be true!
- Jupiter in the 2nd house can also be a positive sign for the home team or player.
- The team or player can start the game slower (if the ruler or significator is in it) because it’s a more feminine house. Here it also depends on the sign! If it’s Aries = still faster. But if it’s Virgo = can mean a slow start for the team.
- Mars or Sun don’t do well here.
- Especially if the dignity is low and one of the teams is placed there (and is represented by Mars or Sun). This is a negative sign for the team or player!
2nd House in Horary Astrology
- Money or wealth.
- Material possessions of the person asking the question.
- Money that has been lent out.
- Profit and gains.
- If the question is about the law or legal matters, it signifies the helper or helpers of the person asking the question.
- Neck.
- Mars or Sun don’t do well here = especially if the dignity is low.
- Lost objects.
- North-East.
- Feminine house, things move slower here.
3rd House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

3rd House in Horary Sports Astrology
I’m not one to go into extremes when it’s about playing favourites but the 3rd house so far in my experience seems to be the least important house in Horary Sports Astrology predictions.
- Cadent or hidden house.
- Mutable energy in the house. Mutability most often means changes.
- For example, if one of the teams or players is in the 3rd house, they can go through lots of changes during the match. Or change their tactics.
- Or even be unstable during the match.
- It’s not slow or quick, it’s somewhere in between.
- Mars is decent in the house normally.
- Moon has it’s joy here (the best house for the Moon). Pay especially close attention if one of the teams or players in that case is represented by the Moon!
3rd House in Horary Astrology
In traditional Horary astrology though, the 3rd house does have some significance!
- Brothers and sisters, close relatives.
- For example, cousins.
- Neighbours or people who live in the same community.
- Quick and short trips or movement.
- Driving to the next small town.
- Vehicles.
- Communication, letters, emails, messages. Written or spoken.
- Media, TV, social media, and online matters.
- Books.
- If You want to ask a question about a book and if it’s profitable to get it, the 3rd house is where I would look. Or beneficial to read it.
- Rumours.
- Shoulders, arms, fingers, and hands.
- In-laws.
- Early school environment.
- North-East.
- A masculine house.
4th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

4th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I don’t personally place that much importance on the 4th house either in Horary Sports Astrology predictions but it’s something to keep in mind! Especially in football.
- A more defensive-minded house in Horary Sports Astrology.
- For example, the team can play more on the counter-attacks if it’s situated here.
- Or just be happy to sit back and defend.
- A Cardinal house so again, more action!
- The team or player can aggressively defend.
- The team or player placed here can have a good defensive strategy.
- Depending on the strength of the significator!
4th House in Horary Astrology
- Real estate, home, houses.
- Towns, cities, castles.
- Even the governor or mayor of the town.
- Gardens, fields, pastures.
- Parents, father (but can be the mother if she was the more dominant person in the querent’s life growing up).
- Early childhood.
- Farms, agriculture.
- Water supply.
- End of a matter or what succeeds death.
- Buried treasure.
- Breasts.
- Old age, after 40-45 usually.
- North.
5th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

5th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I highly value the 5th house in Horary Sports astrology predictions. At times, I’ve seen it be the difference maker in my predictions. I will share why.
- It’s the house of luck.
- If the player or team is situated here (and in at least decent dignity) they will be luckier in the match!
- Bounces of posts, lucky penalties, and lucky breaks in general.
- Things seem to go their way.
- The team or player seems to play with a lot of fun and enjoyment!
- A Succeedent house, can be a slow start to the match or move slower. Depending on the sign!
- Venus does well in the house!
5th House in Horary Astrology
I usually like when I see the significator in the 5th house in traditional Horary Astrology as well. But here it always depends on the question!
- Pleasure, joy, fun, enjoyment.
- Children. The health of the children. A lot to do with pregnancy and sex.
- Lovers, affairs, romance.
- Restaurants, taverns, pubs, and all sorts of places of enjoyment. City centre.
- Parties.
- The wealth of the father or family (2nd house from the 4th).
- Gambling and riskier investments.
- Heart, liver, and spine.
- North-West sometimes can be North.
6th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

6th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I view the 6th house as the most unfortunate house in Horary Sports Astrology predictions. But it does not guarantee a loss for the team or player! As shown in this example.
But I urge You to thread carefully if You see Your favourite team or player (that You also want to bet on) in the 6th house!
- Injuries and problems.
- The player or even players in plural can injure themselves during the match. I always take that into account. Plural if You are predicting a team sport.
- Arguments and imbalances.
- The team or player can have lots of arguments with the referee. Losing the energy that they should be putting into the match. The performance of the team or player is very up and down.
- Generally, an unfortunate house can mean misfortune or even loss for the team or player. I see it constantly raise the potential of losing at least!
- Seeing the team or player in this house can also mean that they are even struggling with many injuries before the match. Or are just tired and overwhelmed by everything going on. Under a lot of stress.
- Mars has it’s joy here.
I always proceed with caution but if You want to bet against the team or player and You find them in the 6th house = this is a good sign for You!
6th House in Horary Astrology
I’ve unfortunately seen similar things in more traditional Horary Astrology questions with the 6th house. It just isn’t a positive omen for whatever question You are asking. At best, I’ve had to work hard etc. or put more effort into the matter that I’m seeking guidance for!
- Arguments and imbalances.
- Injuries, sickness, illness, and problems in general.
- Enemies that are out in the open.
- Pets, small animals, and cattle.
- The underprivileged class in society.
- People with addictions, prostitutes, the working class, slaves, and servants.
- Questions about health also pertain to the 6th house.
- Employees of a boss. People working under You.
- Uncles.
- Stomach and the digestive system.
7th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

7th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I have already explained the 7th house in Horary Sports Astrology predictions multiple times here and here. Without understanding the 7th house and it’s meaning, I wouldn’t be able to make the predictions. Get it into Your brain = 7th house is an extremely important house in Horary Sports Astrology!
- The away team or player.
- An active house, Cardinal and Masculine by qualities.
- Everything in the 7th house gives us hints and clues about the strength of the away team or player.
7th House in Horary Astrology
I get a lot of questions about the 7th house in traditional Horary astrology as well because it rules relationships and marriage! Both are huge parts of our lives!
- Relationships, partnerships (business or pleasure), marriage partner
- Deals, negotiations, and contracts.
- Public enemies (The ancients found that the 7th house rules but I also have found proof for the 6th like I mentioned in the previous chapter. More practised in Vedic astrology.)
- The astrologer.
- West.
- The lawyer if the question is about a lawsuit.
- In questions about war the 7th house is the opposition. Or the other side.
- Lawsuits.
- Thieves, robbers, and stealing.
- The doctor if the question is about health matters.
8th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

8th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I always find it quite difficult to evaluate a significator or team in the 8th house. It has a bit of a 50/50 influence in my experience. On one hand, it’s a very difficult house. And on the other, it has hidden power.
- The hidden strength of a team or player.
- This means that the team can be stronger than perceived. The strength by dignity needs to be evaluated and aspects added to it!
- Death
- This is where Horary Sports Astrology and traditional Horary astrology meet but in Horary Sports Astrology it doesn’t mean literal death. It can mean a loss for the team or player.
- I always evaluate the dignity and aspects of the significator as well! A significator being in the 8th house alone never guarantees losing the match!
- If the significator is strong = the 8th house can amplify it’s strength.
- When I see the significator weak and in the 8th house (and no aspects to the 10th house) = a high probability of the team or player taking a loss in the match.
8th House in Horary Astrology
I believe the 8th house is a bit understood and scary in traditional Horary astrology. Although, I have seen some proof of it in real life as well. You will understand in a second why.
- Death and the cause of it. How the person died if the question is about similar matters.
- Murder and criminal activities.
- Inheritance, resources in general coming from others. Partner’s resources for example. Taxes and insurance.
- Surgery.
- Loans, mortgages, and the bank’s money. Or other people’s money. Even the money of the clients.
- Sexual organs.
- In lawsuits, it represents the defendant’s helpers.
- Feminine and slow house.
- South-West, sometimes can be West.
9th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

9th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I mostly take it as a positive omen for a team if it’s significator or planet is in the 9th house. What does the 9th house represent in Horary Sports Astrology predictions?
- Luck.
- I know I’m giving the 5th house and 9th house almost the same meaning. But I’ve found this to be true. Both represent luck.
- 5th house has been much stronger in my experience.
- I personally believe it’s about the Mutable quality of the house. But it always depends on dignity, strength, and aspects as well! Remember, the house is just an additional indicator!
- For example, if You see a team or player in the 9th house and the opposition is in the 6th house, then the 9th house team has an advantage by house! But that’s it! I see it only as an advantage, not a guarantee towards winning the match!
- Slower and with more changes.
- The team can have an up-and-down performance but with more lucky breaks in the game.
9th House in Horary Astrology
After coming from the difficult 8th house, I find the 9th house questions much easier to deal with or to handle emotionally.
- Long journeys and travels abroad.
- Priests, religion, and religious matters.
- Education, higher education, and exams. Teachers and mentors.
- Publishing.
- Higher learning, higher wisdom.
- Webinars.
- Visions, dreams for the future.
- Beliefs.
- The Sun is in it’s joy here.
- Masculine house.
- South-East, sometimes South.
10th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

10th House in Horary Sports Astrology
I always look at the 10th house! Looking back at my first trials with Horary Sports Astrology, I can’t even believe I disregarded this house! But I lived and learned so You will have it easier!
- The house of Victory.
- Everything in this house needs to be analyzed.
- The connections in the dignity table, the aspects, and the aspects between the significators to the 10th house significator!
- If other planets are in the house, their strength and connections have to be similarly evaluated.
- If I see one of the teams or players in the 10th house itself, A HUGE SIGN OF THEM BEING ABLE TO WIN THE MATCH OR EVENT!
- Referee.
- This is a new observation of mine but I’m starting to get the data needed in order to make this judgment.
- Cardinal (fast) house but with Earth (slow) qualities.
10th House in Horary Astrology
I get a lot of questions about the 10th house because it represents a massive portion of our lives!
- Career, mission in life, and work we do in the world.
- Business.
- Bosses, employers.
- Judges.
- People that are above us on the societal ladder.
- Kings, nobles.
- Councils.
- Environment, society.
- Generals, people in charge.
- The mother or one of the parents. Can be the father if roles were reversed for the person asking the question in their childhood.
- Kingdoms, empires.
- Knees.
- South.
11th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

11th House in Horary Sports Astrology
There is one very specific reason I find the 11th house important in Horary Sports Astrology predictions. And especially predicting final matches or games!
- Trophies!
- This is the main reason why it’s especially positive in Horary Sports Astrology predictions.
- But! It doesn’t guarantee the trophy!
- If You are predicting the final match, definitely check the 11th-house ruler or planets in the 11th house. Dignities, connections, and aspects!
- The assistant referees.
- In many sports, like football, there are linesmen. The assistants to the referee (the 10th house and the 2nd from the 10th house).
- If they are holding one of the teams or players in Detriment or in Fall (especially strong if both!), then they are going to make a mistake that is going to cause problems for the team!
11th House in Horary Astrology
In our more economically and materially focused world, the 11th house is usually a positive omen in traditional Horary astrology as well!
- Friends, social circles, and social networks.
- Benefactors, rich people.
- Presents, honours, praise, and trophies.
- Bonuses and salary.
- Big groups of people.
- Fans and followers.
- In war, the leader’s ammunition and soldiers. The strength of the military.
- The boss’s or main leader’s favourites.
- South-East, sometimes South.
- Jupiter has joy in the 11th house.
12th House in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

12th House in Horary Sports Astrology
It was a revelation in my early days of using Horary Sports Astrology for predictions when I finally made the connection between losing and the 12th house. Come to think of it now, I should have made it sooner!
- The house of losing or losses.
- It doesn’t guarantee that the team that is placed there will lose the match. Especially if it’s Saturn. Saturn has it’s joy in the 12th house.
- When I see the ruler of the 12th house go into the 1st or 7th house (the home and away team), this is a big indicator of a loss for the team or player.
- And an applying aspect from the 12th house ruler to one of the teams or players = I have also observed this to raise the probability of losing. Even a separating aspect should raise Your eyebrows!
- Slower moving house, Feminine and Cadent.
- Teams can seem disinterested at first even. Or during the entire match.
12th House in Horary Astrology
- Private enemies.
- Prisons and imprisonment.
- Retreats, spas, islands, hospitals, and research facilities.
- Secrets, secrets love affairs.
- Large animals and cattle.
- Charitable affairs.
- Witches and curses.
- Self-undoing, self-sabotage.
- Resting, bed-pleasures.
- Spiritual entities and meditative practices.
- What we do in private and how we act there.
- Feet.
- South-West.
I demonstrated the connections and discrepancies between Houses in Horary Sports Astrology predictions and traditional Horary astrology. As You can see, at times there are connections and we can take what the ancients left us and translate them into more modern times.
Learn and memorize the most important houses (and their meaning) in Horary Sports Astrology, the 1st, the 7th, the 10th, and the 12th. And then You are already ahead of the curve!
Some of the meanings of houses I learned from this book https://amzn.to/3qYly33 mentioned in this blog post. But I will also earn a small commission if You decide to get it. One of the best books out there on Horary Astrology in my opinion!
Horary Sports Astrology Pro
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