I wrote a mammoth of an article about the houses in Horary Sports Astrology vs houses in traditional Horary Astrology here. And this time I’m tackling an even bigger topic, PLANETS in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology.
Strap Yourself in, this is going to be a long one!
FYI! When I say planets in this post, I also mean Sun and Moon. This applies generally to SportsAstrologyHub.com.
Some of the meanings of planets I learned from this book https://amzn.to/3qYly33 mentioned in this blog post. But I will also earn a small commission if You decide to get it. One of the best books out there on Horary Astrology in my opinion!
General overview of Planets in Horary Sports Astrology

I will share a couple of key concepts before I go into the meaning of the planets themselves.
The most important thing to grasp before You can make any real assessment through Horary Sports Astrology is rulership. I’ve attached a video in that specific link that will tell You all about rulership.
According to the rules of rulership, every planet in the chart will rule a certain house. Go look at my houses post again here for a refresher.
Each planet still has its own unique influences that they carry and bring into the chart. And into making a prediction with Horary Sports Astrology.
For example, if I say that Neptune rules and represents losses and losing but in a Horary Sports Astrology chart You see it representing or RULING the 10th house or the MC, it will represent Victory in that chart.
This is important to realize and learn.
Keep it in mind for the next chapters!
Traditional rulership in Horary Sports Astrology

Remember that all the planets rule certain signs. But they also represent or rule certain houses. Go check my houses post for extra meanings of the planets.
The traditional rulership:
The Sun – Leo and the 5th house
The Moon – Cancer and the 4th house
Mercury – Gemini, Virgo. 3rd and 6th house.
Venus – Taurus, Libra. 2nd and the 7th house.
Mars – Aries, Scorpio. 1st and the 8th house.
Jupiter – Sagittarius, Pisces. 9th and the 12th house.
Saturn – Capricorn, Aquarius. 10th and the 11th house.
I always use the traditional planets FIRST in both Horary Sports Astrology and traditional Horary Astrology.
Modern rulership in Horary Sports Astrology

Modern rulership is like traditional rulership with a few differences:
The Sun – Leo and the 5th house
The Moon – Cancer and the 4th house
Mercury – Gemini, Virgo. 3rd and 6th house.
Venus – Taurus, Libra. 2nd and the 7th house.
Mars – Aries, 1st house.
Jupiter – Sagittarius, 9th house.
Saturn – Capricorn, 10th house.
Uranus – Aquarius, 11th house.
Neptune – Pisces, 12th house.
Pluto – Scorpio, 8th house.
NB! Use Modern rulership only as extra guidance in Horary Sports Astrology and traditional Horary Astrology.
I also always look at the traditional meanings of planets/houses/signs and do my best to make them fit in the modern world and Horary Sports Astrology. It doesn’t always work but something for You to keep in mind!
For example, if Saturn has a heavy influence in traditional Horary Astrology, it usually means the same in Horary Sports Astrology. Tradition triumphs over modernity in this case!
Saturn in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Saturn in Horary Sports Astrology
If I had to pick, Saturn would be on the top of my list of “important planets” in Horary Sports Astrology. Not all influences nor planets are created equal, and You must keep that in mind!
- Problems, blockages, and issues for the team or player associated with the planet.
- This can also translate to losses.
- This is especially significant if Saturn is on top of the Ascendant (AS or AC) or similar to the Descendant (DS or DC).
- If Saturn is on top of these points, I always proceed with caution.
- If Saturn is strong by dignity, it does NOT automatically mean that the team will lose!
- The closer it is by the degree to the AC or DC = the higher the probability of the team or player losing the match will be.
- If Saturn is separating (check out this post where I explain the difference between separating and applying aspects) from the AC or DC, the significance of Saturn is smaller. And the probability of loss is lower! THE CLOSER IT IS AND IF APPLYING = the probability of losing rises.
- When I see Saturn ruling the sixth or twelfth house, it increases the probability of the team or player losing. When it rules the tenth house, it actually brings Victory into the element! Very important distinction!
Saturn in Horary Astrology
- Cold and dry.
- Similarly, to Horary Sports Astrology, problems, blockages, delays, issues, heaviness, hard times, and difficulties.
- Malevolent, also called a Malefic.
- Represents the Earth’s energy and is Masculine.
- Time.
- Hard work.
- Foundations.
- Career and job.
- Slow and steady.
- Minimalistic.
- The bones, the bone structure, teeth, the skeleton, and the spleen in a man’s body.
- Clowns, beggars, old men, fathers and grandfathers, monks, plumbers, miners, potters, brick-makers, chimney-sweepers, scavengers.
- The ass, elephant, crocodile, tortoise.
- Caves, mountains, holes, ruined buildings, mines, dirty places, wells.
- Office buildings.
- Government organizations.
- Structure and discipline.
- The color black.
- Stones.
- Hurtful things.
- Winter.
William Lilly also gives Saturn a 9-degree orb. This means that Saturn’s influence will be felt starting from 9 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
Saturday is Saturn’s day. He is friends with Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury (I know this differs for example with a lot of later work or different branches of astrology like Vedic, take it with a grain of salt). And is enemies with Mars and Venus. Although, this is from a traditional Horary astrology perspective. Also keep that in mind for the rest of the article!
Jupiter in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Jupiter in Horary Sports Astrology
When I’m looking to predict the winner in a match, I really want to see Jupiter close to the Ascendant or Descendant. It’s an important indicator and I will share why.
- Winning.
- Luck.
- For example, all the chances the team has in the match get taken. Or all the threes (or the majority) fall if I’m predicting basketball matches. Seemingly impossible shots in general go in for the team. This increases the likelihood of the team winning.
- Good things.
- Positive news.
- Strength.
- If Jupiter is weaker by the Essential Dignities table, the influence will not be so strong.
- When I see Jupiter ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
- Optimism for the team or player. Everything seems to go their way.
Jupiter in Horary Astrology
- All the same as in Horary Sports Astrology.
- Luck, winning, good things, positive news, strength, optimism, things go the person’s way (the one asking the question).
- Big things and possessions.
- Abundance and fortune. Monetary, as well as overall.
- Colors azure, purple, sea green, and orange.
- Masculine.
- Hot and moist.
- Churches, sacred places, monasteries (bigger ones), and religious buildings.
- Judges, senators, mentors, father figures, teachers, preachers, lawyers, professors, bishops, and different types of spiritual and religious figures.
- Rules Sagittarius in a day chart and Pisces in a night chart. I always still look at Sagittarius first! Call me old-fashioned.
- Temperance, justice, modesty, sobriety.
- Faithfull, honorable, fair, and virtuous.
- Benefactor, charity.
- Big trucks, big roads (highways).
- Hips and thighs.
- The middle-age.
- Higher wisdom, universities, courses, diplomas.
- Regarding illnesses – problems with the liver, left ear, inflammation of the lungs or in the lungs, heart palpitation, cramps, pain in the backbone, corruption in the blood, problems with veins and ribs.
- Sweet and well-scented odors.
- Oratoriums, places where wisdom is shared and speakers perform, and courts.
- Serenity and connection to higher realms of existence.
- Animals that are more kind, gentle, and benefit mankind more.
Jupiter with it’s big “body” in the sky has a 9-degree orb. This means that Jupiter’s influence will be felt starting from 9 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
All planets are friendly towards Jupiter in traditional Horary Astrology except for Mars!
Jupiter represents Thursday.
Mars in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Mars in Horary Sports Astrology
My senses heighten and I raise my eyebrows whenever I see Mars close to the Ascendant or the Descendant. Or even in connection to them!
- Injuries and accidents.
- If it’s a single-player sport, the player can be injured. If team sport, then some members of the team can sustain an injury during the match.
- The closer Mars is to the Ascendant or Descendant = the stronger the influence!
- Dominance and aggressive nature.
- For example, the team in football matches can have more red or yellow cards.
- The team or player can be the more aggressive one in the match. Come out to press immediately and commit more fouls.
- The physical prowess of the team or player. I can also say “physical condition and form”.
- If Mars is strong and close to the Ascendant or Descendant line, the team or player is in tip-top physical condition. Especially if Mars is strong by dignity!
- When I see Mars ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
Mars in Horary Astrology
- Again classified as Malefic. Similar to Saturn. You can translate Malefic as “hard or difficult influence.
- Represents the fire element and is Masculine by it’s nature.
- Hot and dry.
- Rules Aries in a day chart and Scorpio in a night chart.
- Confident, bold, arrogant, dominant, immovable, doesn’t obey others or orders.
- Murder, cuts, surgeons, cruelty, injuries, inflammations.
- Sports! Movement, fitness, physical activity, muscles.
- The army, war, violence, conquests, generals, captains, soldiers, commanding officers, weapons, knives, sharp objects, and blades.
- Big machinery, engineering, construction, building.
- Competition.
- Butchers, weapon makers, tailors, barbers, carpenters, firemen, and fighters.
- The color red. Fiery.
- Arguments and quarrels. Fights in general. Blood.
- Being the first and number one.
- Fast and reckless.
Most often Mars has a 7-degree orb. This means that Mars’s influence will be felt starting from 7 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
Mars represents Tuesday in the week. He is friends with only Mars, and enemies with all the other planets.
The Sun in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

The Sun in Horary Sports Astrology
I mostly love the Sun in Horary Sports Astrology. Especially if it’s close to the Ascendant or Descendant.
- The energy or vitality of the team or player.
- If it’s close to one of the team or player’s angles the player can be in good physical and mental condition. Or players.
- The Sun has to be strong for that to be true. Otherwise, there can also be some hidden problems for the team or player.
- I’ve started to gather data now about the Sun representing the star player of the team. If I’m watching a team sport. I still need more data to make the final assessment.
- Similar to the captain of the team. Often these are the same person.
- The Sun often comes to DOMINATE as well. Or the team connected to the Sun will be the more dominating team during the match.
- When I see The Sun ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
The Sun in Horary Astrology
- Hot and dry.
- Masculine, and represents the Fire element.
- Faithful, punctual.
- Confidence and desire to rule, as well as gather honor.
- Kingdoms, kings, and queens. Everyone who is called “Your majesty”. Royal and regal in every way. Emperors, dukes, and princes.
- Arrogance, egotistical, overly proud.
- Strength and vitality.
- Leaders, leadership, autonomy, independence, CEOs, owners, managers, bosses.
- The heart, right eye (for men, for women the left eye), and brain.
- Palaces, restaurants, theaters, entertainment places, and institutions. Bars, pubs, places where You can party and have a good time.
- Performers, actors, and politicians.
- Big hair.
- Heart problems, pimples in the face, issues with the spine, mouth, and bad breath problems. When something is rotten.
- Colors yellow and gold.
- Goldsmiths and makers of money.
- Lions.
- Represents the age 19-33.
The ancients give the Sun a 15-degree orb. This means that the Sun’s influence will be felt starting from 15 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
The Sun represents Sunday in the week. He is friends with all the planets except for Saturn.
The Moon in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

The Moon in Horary Sports Astrology
I’ve written many pieces about the Moon here and here, and it’s importance can’t be underestimated in Horary Sports Astrology. Especially Moon void of Course.
- It represents the emotional state of the astrologer making the prediction.
- I thought it was crazy as well until I gave it a real go in the material world. Extra caution is needed when the Moon is not doing well.
- Remember, when You are reading a Horary Sports Astrology chart, You still need to use Your intuition. It’s not all technical!
- The emotional state of the team or player it is connected to.
- For example, if the Moon is in the seventh house and debilitated, the away team or player can be experiencing emotional issues. Their emotional balance is out of whack. This can translate into them not being on top of their form.
- Or when the Moon is strong, they are emotionally invested in the match and ready to go!
- When I see the Moon ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
- I get really excited when I see a team or player represented by the Moon and it’s Void of Course. Adds an extra indicator that the team or player might be weak in the match!
The Moon in Horary Astrology
- Cold and moist. Feminine nature. Represents the Water element.
- Soft, tender, intuitive, honest, caring, easily frightened, peace-loving, and nurturing.
- It is the co-ruler in the traditional Horary Astrology chart.
- For example, if the Ascendant is represented by Jupiter, look at the Moon also for extra clues on how the person is doing. And what they intend to do!
- When the Moon is Debilitated or in Fall, lazy, prone to addictions and alcohol, has no direction in life, carefree, idle.
- Queens, ladies, women, mothers, common people, travelers, sailors, fishermen, farmers, policemen, brewers, midwives, and nurses.
- Water, lakes, rivers, fountains, baths, fishponds, pools, fields, and farmlands.
- Issues with the belly, stomach, womb, female matters, and breasts.
- Represents the age of 25.
- Colors silver, and white.
- The emotional state of the person involved.
- Homes, real estate, hostels, hotels, accommodation, and land.
William Lilly gave the Moon a 12-degree orb. This means that the Moon’s influence will be felt starting from 12 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
The Moon represents Monday and her enemies are Saturn, as well as Mars.
Mercury in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Mercury in Horary Sports Astrology
Although I don’t particularly think of Mercury as extremely important in Horary Sports Astrology, it does have it’s moments.
- The player or team connected with Mercury can have a few tricks up their sleeve during the match.
- Or even some clever tactical maneuvers.
- They won’t play entirely “fair”.
- I lean towards clever tactics when Mercury is strong, and tricks and antics when it’s weak. It won’t work so well when it’s weaker!
- Mercury does especially well in the first house. When I see Mercury in the first, it does give the home team the upper hand most of the time.
- When I see Mercury ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
Mercury in Horary Astrology
- Neither Masculine nor Feminine. If with a Feminine planet = Feminine. If with a Masculine planet = Masculine.
- Cold and dry. Governs the Air element.
- With the Benefics (Jupiter and Venus) Mercury is good. With the Malefics (Mars and Saturn) Mercury can also be bad.
- Tricks, tricksters, perjury.
- Animal spirit.
- Logical, intellectual, left-brain oriented, well educated, witty and clever, infinitely curious.
- Liar, thief, talks behind people’s backs, gossiper, steals words and opinions of others (if Debilitated or in Fall).
- Small things, exchanges.
- Merchants, books, magazines, TV, media, social media, internet, programming, PR, managing, administrative tasks, salesmen, websites.
- Information, and information exchange, markets, marketplaces.
- Writers, secretaries, administrators, messengers, clerks, poets, traders, and song lyricists.
- Playgrounds, middle school.
- Mental issues. Problems with the throat, tongue, nerves, bowels, and respiratory system.
- Governs the age of 16-20.
William Lilly gave Mercury a 7-degree orb. This means that Mercury’s influence will be felt starting from 7 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
Mercury rules Wednesday. And is friends with Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Enemies with everyone else.
Venus in Horary Sports Astrology vs Horary Astrology

Venus in Horary Sports Astrology
Remember when I mentioned that Jupiter is a Benefic (brings good things)? Well so is Venus. But by strength in a sporting event, Jupiter still wins hands down.
- Good things.
- I know this might sound vague but You can think of it as a weaker influence of “luck”.
- Support and allies.
- The team or player has extra help from somewhere. But in any case, if Venus is strong, it is good for the team. If it is weak, I always judge by the aspects of the ruler of the tenth house.
- When I see Venus ruling the sixth or twelfth house, for example, this brings the element of losing into the influence instead!
Venus in Horary Astrology
- Rules Taurus in a day chart and Libra in a night chart.
- It’s feminine by nature (although the Vedics say it’s both Feminine and Masculine) and cold and moist. Is of the Air element.
- Pleasant, pleasure, diplomatic, neat, clean, artistic, and musical.
- Sweets, drinks, wine, food, pleasures.
- Social gatherings, social events.
- Talking 1 to 1 with someone.
- Relationships and money.
- Overly materialistic, unfaithful, lazy. It likes only expensive things = when Venus is Debilitated or in Fall.
- Beautiful, pleasant looks.
- Gardens, fountains, bedrooms, beds, art rooms, galleries, dance schools, and wardrobes.
- Skin and coordination problems, hernias, diabetes, issues with the belly and back, chicken pox. Can also represent women’s issues with genitalia.
- Artists, jewelers, musicians, tailors, wives, lovers, romantic partners, and clothes salesmen.
- Represents the age of 14-28.
- Colors pink, light pink, and pastel colors.
William Lilly gave Venus a 7-degree orb. This means that Venus’s influence will be felt starting from 7 degrees. Either applying or separating. But remember, the closer it is in any case, the stronger the influence!
Venus rules Friday of the weekdays. She is friends with everyone except Saturn.
Summary of Planets in Horary Sports Astrology
There are less important and more important planets in Horary Sports Astrology. Not everything matters all the time.
If You learn to use Saturn and Jupiter, You will immediately see more accuracy in Your predictions.
On the other hand, almost everything is vital in traditional Horary Astrology. Every planet influences something and/or represents some clever detail.
I will dissect the modern planets and “special influences” in my next post!
Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter here.
Horary Sports Astrology Pro
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